Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Key Agent of Socialization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Key Agent of Socialization - Assignment Example Therefore, as a young adult, they taught me to be free and to view everyone as equal and friendly. The inter-gender interaction was not frowned upon, and we could play with our neighbors freely. In addition, I learned to respect my elders but not to be mistreated just because I am a kid, therefore, I should do as told. I could question some aspects of life that my parents took upon themselves to explain why some things had to be done without questioning. The story is different with my grandfather; aged eighty-seven. During his time as a young parent, all parents were more like dictators. They shared the same parenting skills, and could command everything to be done without questioning. The children during their time were not allowed to question their parents; hence, they followed everything to the latter without raising an eyebrow. When it comes to inter-gender interaction, boys were only allowed to play with boys and so were girls. They only interacted with each other after they were deemed to have matured, as young adults. This was quite a contrast to how I was raised during a period considered as the ‘digital

Monday, October 28, 2019

Christian Views on Racial Harmony and Religious Free

Christian Views on Racial Harmony and Religious Freedom Essay St. Paul taught Christians that other races and religions were equal in the eyes of God. â€Å"It is through faith that all of you are God’s sons in union with Christ Jesus. You were baptized into union with Christ, and now you are clothed, so to speak, with the life of Christ himself. So there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free men, between men and women; you are all one in union with Christ Jesus. It is because believers share a love of Jesus that they are equal, St Paul says. The Bible opens up with a description of God creating humans in his own image, therefore, Christians believe that everybody should be respected as God’s creation. This means that prejudice and racism are wrong. There are many more teachings in the Old and New testaments which reinforce this, like the Good Samaritan. Most modern Christians believe that people should be free to follow whatever they like, or none at all. There are, however, three different Christian approaches to religious freedom. Exclusivism: Some people are excluded from heaven. Jesus said â€Å"I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one goes to the father except by me. † Some Christians believe this means that only those who follow Christian beliefs can go to heaven. Inclusivism: Some Christians believe that while all religions can help to reach god, only Christianity has the complete answer. This is because Jesus taught that people should believe in him to get to heaven, and only Christians believe in Jesus as the Son of God. This is often the view held by Roman Catholic Christians. While other faiths should be respected, the right path should be explained to them. Pluralism There are many religions. Some Christians believe that all religions will lead to God, none is superior and none is wrong. People are free to followthe way that suits them best. These Christians do not regard the Bible as ‘the word of God’, but rather as holy writings like many other sacred books. These Christains do not think they should try to persuade people to change their religion.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Inleiding :: German Essays

Inleiding Door de druk van de publieke opinie gaan bedrijven steeds vaker rekening houden met hun omgeving. Onder deze omgeving verstaan wij niet alleen mensen die in de nabijheid van deze bedrijven wonen, maar ook het personeel en het milieu. De samenleving eist van bedrijven dat ze minder vervuilend worden en vooral ook ‘veiliger’. De overheid vertaalt deze eisen in een kader wetgeving die aangeeft aan welke eisen bedrijven moeten voldoen. De bedrijven die op het moment van het ontstaan van kaderwetgeving nog geen maatregelingen hebben getroffen om te voldoen aan de eisen worden vaak opgezadeld met hoge kosten die doorberekend worden in het product. Vervolgens blijkt echter dat de consument niet bereid is om meer te betalen voor een product. De gevolgen van deze neerwaartse spiraal laten zich raden en hebben ervoor gezorgd dat vooraanstaande strategen zich gebogen hebben over dit probleem. Zij komen over het algemeen tot de conclusie dat bedrijven door een innovatief (milie u) beleid te voeren voordelen kunnen behalen ten op zichtte van de concurrentie. Dit beleid moet een vooruitziende blik hebben in de richting van toekomstige eisen zodat op een vroeg moment maatregelen kunnen worden getroffen. Vaak blijken bedrijven hierdoor effectiever en efficià «nter te gaan werken waardoor de productiekosten vaak zelfs gaan dalen in plaats van stijgen. In jaar drie van de studie bedrijfskunde gaan wij voor het vak operationeel beheer een onderzoek uitvoeren binnen het kader van drie zorgsystemen. Deze zorgsystemen zijn veiligheids-, milieu- en kwaliteitssystemen. Het bewustzijn dat kwaliteitssystemen grote voordelen met zich meebrengen is rond 1980 ontstaan1. Dit bewustzijn heeft zich ontwikkeld tot de huidige vorm van kwaliteitsmanagement. De ervaringen die hiermee zijn opgedaan kunnen gebruikt worden om toe te passen op de milieu- en veiligheidssystemen. Wij gaan proberen deze vertaalslag te maken. Dit onderzoek zal tevens aan de praktijk getoetst worden door DSM in het onderzoek te betrekken. De theoretische leidraad in ons onderzoek komt voor het grootste gedeelte uit het verplichte studiemateriaal benodigd voor het vak operationeel beheer. De basis voor onze probleemstelling en de daaruit afgeleide vraagstelling komt uit het artikel van M.E. Porter en C. van der Linde, Green and Competitive. Hierin wordt gesteld dat bedr ijven die een innovatief milieu beleid hanteren productiever worden en daardoor beter kunnen concurreren. Er wordt in dit artikel gesteld dat bedrijven te weinig kijken naar de voordelen die een innovatief milieubeleid met zich mee brengt en teveel kijken naar de statische kosten.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

“The Things They Carried” By Tim O`Brien

The beauty of this story is in its subtlety and depth. The most interesting inquiry of all as regards this piece is how Martha’s letters and pictures come to play in the story. The letters and pictures may symbolize hope or even false hope, despair, distraction, confusion, love or others. The answer depends on whether one views the story as about war, love, some days in the life of Jimmy Cross or other possible themes around which the story may revolve. Based on the way the story was told, these theories and interpretations are all possible.What caught my attention in particular, in relation to Martha’s letters and pictures, are the enumeration of the reasons and purposes people in the story carry the things they do. All of these purposes revolve around the fact that â€Å"they carry things by necessity† (p. 714). Even those which they carry by superstition (p. 717) may be deemed to have been carried as a necessity because these things help them acquire courage a nd belief, if not in their victory, in their survival. However, among all the things he carried, Jimmy Cross carries Martha’s love letters.Is this really necessary? This may not even qualify as superstition because there does not appear any belief on his part that the letters will provide him some protection from the war. At this point, the author effectively created an inconsistency that is too subtle to be noticed, but is too important that the story revolves around it. The story is also filled with enumerations of the things they carried. However, it is interesting that, while it constitutes the bulk of the story, this enumeration is actually not the story itself.It is included merely to demonstrate the inconsistency mentioned and thus give further emphasis to the value of Martha’s letters for Jimmy and for the story. I also admire the author for being able to tell the story and convey the emotions of the characters through descriptions of what are happening rather than through direct statements of the emotions felt, thus allowing the readers freedom to interpret and visualize. An example of this is the author’s description of Martha during her volleyball accident (p. 715) and the description of the things carried by different people in the story.1. What do you think is the author’s purpose in stating more than once in the story that Martha signed her letters and pictures with Love, but that he knew better that this is just a customary way of signing a letter and does not really mean anything? Is this to show that Martha does not love Jimmy? Is it to create doubt as to whether Martha does not really love Jimmy? What other purposes can there be? 2. This story enumerates many material things men carry at war. However, in one part of the story (p. 724), the author wrote the sentence â€Å"[t]he things men carried inside.What does the author mean by this? What are the things men carried inside? Relate this to the statement ate the e nd of the story that â€Å"their days would seem longer and their loads heavier† (p. 725). 3. React on this statement. â€Å"[H]is obligation was not to be loved but to lead† (p. 725). Is it possible to dispense with love completely? Can a person in a war lead and be loved at the same time? Is there room for love when there is war? Work Cited O’Brien, Tim. â€Å"The Things They Carried (1986). † Worlds of Fiction. Ed. Rubinstein and Larson. Macmillan Coll Div, 1993. 713-725.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

People’s Home Gadgets Essay

1. Provide advice to Paula regarding the nature of the HR system she should recommend for the customer service representatives at the six stores. There is a problem that PHG has faced employee turnover issues the figures indicates over the 70% more than management’s expectation. To reduce, turn over issues I’d like recommend an improvement of entire salary systems employees get their salary based on their performance, it makes high turnover issues that mean a representative who has remarkable ability when he sailing PHG stuffs. However, other people who can’t sales as much as sales top representatives ended up they got a lowest salary. So I recommend Paula to do establish fixed salary policies regardless of their sales abilities. 2. Identify a key strategic performance driver for this organization. They have strategic performance drivers based on low costs-high quality policies. It indicates a core concept of competition. In other words, it is called Cost leadership strategy. By lowering costs, they are able to get a high market positions more that other competitive. To maintain that position they always consider in respect of cost benefits. 3. How do the customer service representatives contribute to the strategic performance driver you identified? The company gives representatives a discretion which is able to provide lower prices by cutting margin of percentages. It was a unique policy. Finally, it makes them to maintain cost leadership so illustrated polices could give company a competitive edge in the market. A processes that establishing strategic performance is following. 4. Design an HR system to realize the strategic performance driver you identified. Be certain to explain how you would (a) design the work

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Iwo Jima essays

Iwo Jima essays Iwo Jima was one of the greatest land battles in World War II. It cost the Americans thousands of lives because of poorly planned techniques by the sergeants and generals of the Navy and Marines. It is located in the Volcano Islands off the coast of Japan. The battle lasted 26 days, and the island was secured ten days later. It was one of the most costly battles in World War II. Iwo Jima is an inactive volcanic island located 660 miles south of Tokyo, Japan (Josephy 93). Its name means sulphur island (Paull 1). It is eight square miles (Iwo 1) and in the shape of a pork chop. Iwos southern tip is composed of an inactive volcano, Mount Suribachi, the highest point of the island (Josephy 93). The land is made of coarse black sand and jagged rock, and the air smelled of rotten eggs from the sulphur emissions. The water circling the island is twelve feet deep only two feet away from the shore. This made it difficult for the Marines to get on the island from boats (Paull 1). Iwo Jima is only two miles wide and four miles long (Josephy 93). The Americans were to fit 70,000 Marines on this tiny island, and would fight 22,000 Japanese soldiers. It took the Marines 36 days to travel four miles on Iwo (Iwo 1). The Americans began bombing on December 8th. They did this to reduce the number of casualties when the troops came on land. The air raids lasted a total of 72 days (Bradly 135). The Navy Bombardments from offshore were to last ten days requested by the Marine generals. The Navy did not comply with this. They were to give them only three days of bombardments, then the Marines were to invade. The shelling took place on February 16th through February 18th. On February 16th bombarding was cut short because of a heavy cloud cover. February 17th was the only complete day of shelling. On February 18th the bombing was cut short because of heavy rains. It was now time for the Marines to move in (Bradly 144-145). ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

3 Personal Branding Tips for Enhancing Your Elevator Speech

3 Personal Branding Tips for Enhancing Your Elevator Speech Dorothy Tannahill-Moran over at CareerRealism, has some great tips for presenting  yourself  in a succinct, persuasive and professional manner!1. Develop Your  Email SignatureAlas the days of clipart and ~~~~~~+~~~~~~+~~~~+ are gone (or should be, seriously), but if you arent taking advantage of your email clients signature function to end every email with your name, job title, and contact info (including any networking-friendly social media profiles), youre missing an opportunity. Tannahill-Moran recommends using a signature as a venue for your elevator pitch; Id say keep it short and sweet like a resume objective line.2. Use Your Business Card as a Sales ToolI love this tip- I have a book project in the works and I actually made separate business cards for it, with an image and title on the front and a description in the back. You could condense your elevator pitch onto the back of your business cards or distill it down into a line between your name and contact info.3. Linked In ProfileThis is an obvious one- you can decide whether you include your elevator pitch like a mini cover letter or feature it as the first comment in the summary section. This allows recruiters and hiring managers to quickly scan your profile and identify what you have to offer and what youre looking for.  How To Extend Your Personal Brand With An Elevator Speech  Read More at Careerealism

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Examples of Plural Tantum in English

Examples of Plural Tantum in English Plurale tantum is a  noun that appears only in the plural and doesnt ordinarily have a singular form (for example, jeans, pajamas, tweezers, shears, and scissors). Also known as a lexical plural. Plural:  pluralia tantum. Jeans, scissors, trousers, and glasses are great examples of plural tantum  nouns in the English language. Singular Tantum A noun that appears only in the singular formsuch as dirtis known as singulare tantum. Etymology of Plural Tantum Latin  for plural only Examples and Observations Richard Lederer [in Crazy English, 1990] asks, Doesnt it seem just a little loopy that we can make amends but never just one amend; that no matter how carefully we comb through the annals of history, we can never discover just one annal; that we can never pull a shenanigan, be in a doldrum, or get a jitter, a willy, a delerium tremen, a jimjam, or a heebie-jeebie? Lederer is alluding to pluralia tantum: Nouns that are always plural. Because they are not the result of pluralizing a singular, the complete plural form, -s and all, has to be stored in memory. Pluralia tantum in a sense are irregular regulars, and indeed they are happy to appear inside compounds: almsgiver (not almgiver), arms race (not arm race), blues rocker (not blue rocker), clothesbrush, Humanities department, jeans maker, newsmaker, oddsmaker, painstaking.(Steven Pinker, Words and Rules. Basic Books, 1999) Items of Clothing Lets take a look at other pluralia tantum in the pants/trousers family:(Mark Liberman, Language Log, Feb. 15, 2007) Outergarments: pants (orig. pantaloons), trousers, slacks, breeches/britches, bloomers, jeans, dungarees, bell bottoms, chinos, tights, shorts, trunks, Bermudas (extended to brand names: Levis, 501s, Wranglers, Calvins)Undergarments: underpants, long johns, skivvies, drawers, panties, knickers, boxers, briefs, undies, tighty-whities (extended to brand names: BVDs, Fruit of the Looms, Jockeys) How to Turn Lexical Plurals Into Count Nouns Nouns for articles of dress consisting of two parts are also treated as plural: [A] Where ​are my trousers?[B] They are in the bedroom where you put them. But such plural nouns can be turned into ordinary count nouns by means of a pair of or pairs of: I need to buy a new pair of trousers.How many pairs of blue jeans do you have? (Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik, A Communicative Grammar of English, 3rd ed. Routledge, 2013) Lexical Concepts, Not Linguistic Classes The definitional property of having no singular turns out to be shallow and sometimes accidental, often (as in English) practically impossible to define and circumscribe. The state of affairs resembles the status of the mass-count distinction. . . . While they remain necessary as descriptive concepts, mass and count cannot be defined as grammatical properties of lexical items outside of a context, as Borer (2005) cogently shows. In the same way, I think, pluralia and singularia tantum are indispensable descriptive concepts, but they are not genuine linguistic classes. Therefore, we cannot build a notion of lexical plurals around that of pluralia tantum.(Paolo Acquaviva, Lexical Plurals: A Morphosemantic Approach. Oxford University Press, 2008)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

I do not have any idea Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

I do not have any idea - Research Paper Example It is therefore not surprising to equate â€Å"public interest† in planning to the (neo) Marxist model, which can be better understood from a theoretical rather than practical approach. This is so since the interest of the public or the greater majority of the people could be so broad to encompass issues like human rights and justice (Roche, 2003). Logically, the driving force in this kind of planning is a class struggle (Schoenwandt, 2008). To put class struggle into practice as the driving force is to ask for the enactment of laws that would favour the general public, particularly the underprivileged (Schoenwandt, 2008). This could mean that more social programs for the less fortunate people, who are presumed to greater in number than the rich. In a democratic society, planners should get the cause of legislators, who could be sympathetic with advocating the right of the poor to achieve a significant leverage on the realization of plans. Practitioners of this kind of planning should have grass roots support. Public interest planners should therefore focus on advocating the rights of the disadvantaged, translating the interest of the latter into ways that would empower them through all possible means and processes available to them under their own systems of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Pop-culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pop-culture - Essay Example The print and the electronic media, entertainment tools like music and television, have done absolute justice to the job of brainwashing the impressionable minds of youth. Traditional culture and ideology have traditionally been the binding forces of the society, but in the contemporary age, spirit of the youth is being systematically destroyed by the onslaught of popular culture. The traditionalists and the modernists are permanently at war over approaches to social issues. While the modernists are positive that their endeavors are directed at development of a new society, the traditionalists lament about the steady demise of the indigenous values. A world of interconnectedness is slowly emerging and no one can precisely estimate how circumstances would shape up in the future. However, a strong view prevails that this interconnectedness is heading toward decay of moral and ethical values rather than leading to the path of cohesion and prosperity. In its attempt to pursue individual happiness, the younger generation has compromised societal values and become distracted and clueless. Ill effects of their activities mostly outweigh their honest dispositions and merits. An offshoot of the popular culture viz. the growth of Jazz provides an example. Jazz music arrived like an avalanche on the American media and became omnipresent in no time. Its growth was not contemplated, like the spread of greenery in the thick jungles of Amazon. The sapling of Jazz grew as it was watered with the agony of the black people. The roots of jazz can be traced back to the times of slavery when slave work songs were made as ‘call-and-response’ to narrate stories for pastime. These songs reflected the blacks’ internal rebellion against the sufferings and cruelties inflicted on them by the white race. Black people brought with them jazz to the big cities as they started to migrate to Chicago and New York with

What does 'Freedom Of The Press' Mean To what extent does it exist in Essay

What does 'Freedom Of The Press' Mean To what extent does it exist in Modern Britain - Essay Example ress freedom surveys, made no mention of it in its constitution whilst North Korea, which does, often ranked the last in such surveys (Press Freedom Index 2010; Freedom of the Press 2010). Press freedom is often equated with democratic societies, but Noam Chomsky believes that there are â€Å"two different conceptions of democracy,† each shaping their own brand of press freedom. The first is participatory democracy where citizens are involved in the workings of the state and thus, communication channels are necessarily kept free and open. However, its antithesis – the non-participatory democracy – keeps people off the business of government affairs and thus, information and communication are controlled by the state. Chomsky believes that the second kind is most prevalent today (Chomsky 2002 pp. 6-7). Chomsky points out the US as a perfect example of the second type. President Wilson, for example, created the Creel Commission to oversee the government’s pro paganda machinery and turn a generally pacifist public into a war-hungry, anti-German fanatics so the US government would be free to join the war unopposed. The same technique was used to whip up the public to a state of red scare so that it would be supportive of the government’s programs of eliminating unions and restricting press and political freedoms. An underlying rationale for â€Å"manufacturing consent† was the notion that the average man cannot fully grasp the intricacies of common political and social interests and thus, his thoughts must be directed. Only the intellectual elite can comprehend them and it must act to bring public opinion towards their fulfillment even if it entails deceiving them. In such types of democracies, press freedom becomes a casualty of the manipulative intellectuals (Chomsky...Even the collapsed Soviet Union guaranteed press freedom in its constitution but it was common knowledge that its press published only what the government wa nted the public to read. An even glaring example is the manipulation of public opinion through the use of propaganda machinery by some of the perceived freest countries in the world for the purpose of legitimising their social and political agenda with the least opposition. Moreover, the history of press freedom shows that it always entails a form of struggle between the system and the press. The UK is no exception. The history of press freedom in the country is checkered with the Church and the Crown alternatively suppressing it in the name of religion or the King. Even in contemporary times, when the country is considered one of the freest democracies in the world, the complete exercise of press freedom is hindered by legislations or policies that lean more towards the promotion of other interests. The often underpinning rationale for the obstacles of press freedom is the ever-present contending interests between the private and the public and between the government. Even in the f reest of nations, press freedom surrenders a part of it to conflicting interests that are at play in the social, legal and political make-up of the state. Absolute press freedom, therefore, is almost always non-existent; only diluted and compromised press freedom.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Audit and financial statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Audit and financial statements - Essay Example The scope of external auditor's work covers the audit of financial statements, probity in the use of public money and value for money in the use of resources. Internal auditor objectively examines, evaluates and reports on the adequacy of the internal control environment as a contribution to the proper, economic, efficient and effective use of resources. External audit is conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA) and with the Audit Commission's Code of Audit Practice. Internal audit's strategy and plan is agreed between internal audit and management. It is approved by the Audit Committee and cannot be directed by external auditor. Effective co-operation between external auditor and internal auditor means more than avoiding duplication. An effective framework of co-operation and co-ordination ensures liaison, co-operation on work programmes and the sharing of information. This can be achieved through: The external auditor has various responsibilities when it comes to performing the audit. It is the responsibility of the external auditors to perform audit of financial statements in such a way that they areable to form opinion, including: Auditors have a responsibility to satisfy themselves that the audited body has put in place proper arrangements to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources. While doing so, the auditor must consider and assess the relevant significant business risks. Auditors are not required to report to audited bodies on the accuracy of performance information that the audited bodies publish. Auditor's work is limited to review of the systemsput in place by the audited body to collect, record and publish the information. Nor are auditors required to form a view on the realism and achievability of the assessments published by those audited bodies. The auditor's report should contain a clear written expression of opinion on the financial statements taken as a whole. The auditor's report includes the following basic elements: (a) Title (b) Addressee (c) Opening or introductory paragraph containing (i) Identification of the financial statements audited (ii) A statement of the responsibility of the entity management and the responsibility of the auditor (d) Scope paragraph containing (i) A reference to ISAs or relevant national standards or practices (ii) A description of work performed by auditor (e) Opinion paragraph containing (i) A reference to the financial reporting framework used to prepare the financial statements (ii) An expression of op

How Socrates, Plato and Aristotle view the role of education for the Research Paper

How Socrates, Plato and Aristotle view the role of education for the society and the individual - Research Paper Example The accumulation of philosophies relating to education in Greek culture became known as the Educational Theory. The mentioned Educational Theorycan be regarding as a hypothetical educational assumption, or a thought, which acts a guide in explaining and the description of the practice of education. Socrates was one of the earliest Greek philosophers who can be credited for being one of the originators of the modern Western philosophy. It also believed that Socrates was a thinker and not a writer as the evidence suggests that he had minimal written accounts of this thoughts and philosophical processes. Despite these, Socrates is known as the Father of Modern Philosophy and is considered as one of the greatest thinkers of all time. Socrates, very aptly and very strategically divided his views about the imparting of education and knowledge. Socrates stated that as long as the goals of education are fulfilled, it is indeed worthwhile to gain knowledge and education. According to Socrates the goals of education were to realize what an individual can do and what an individual cannot do. Furthermore, the great philosopher did not discriminate when it came to the imparting of knowledge and believed that there was no regular authority for that. Throughout his theories, Socrates, in numerous attempts has disowned and dishonored his theories, ideas and methods, which nevertheless can be one of his strategies to engross the deliberators and furthermore sanction them to have an open, fearless and a constructive deliberation and an argument. â€Å"The Socratic method is one in which a teacher, by asking leading questions, guides students to discovery. Socrates devoted himself to a free-wheeling discussion with the aristocratic young citizens of Athens, even though he often offered them no clear alternative teaching† (New Foundations - Educational Theory of Socrates, 2011) . Another very important figure in Greek philosophy and one of the few philosophers who contribut ed to their fullest to the notion of education was Plato. According to Plato, education was one of the most important achievable goals in the society. He believed and stressed greatly on the imparting and receiving of education. Plato wanted the identification of a specific skill set and aptitude possessed by the children. He believed that if appropriate education with respect to that specific skill set or aptitude is given to the child, the child may be able to fulfill his or her duty in the society and moreover, the social responsibility. Plato was also one of the most learned individuals of his time and wrote down his thoughts, unlike his predecessor, Socrates. Plato was considered an authority in numerous fields such as music, drama, metaphysics, art, architecture as well as poetry. Plato’s views on education were also revolutionary and were a source of inspiration for many. Plato model for education was considered as the most organized and systematic and introduced a hie rarchical level of education, starting from elementary school level and leading to higher education, with two years of military training in between. Plato’s educational models and policies were regardless of any sort of discrimination and he believed that each and every individual had a right to receive education. Plato was of the view that there existed equilibrium between men and women, despite the women being weaker,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Audit and financial statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Audit and financial statements - Essay Example The scope of external auditor's work covers the audit of financial statements, probity in the use of public money and value for money in the use of resources. Internal auditor objectively examines, evaluates and reports on the adequacy of the internal control environment as a contribution to the proper, economic, efficient and effective use of resources. External audit is conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA) and with the Audit Commission's Code of Audit Practice. Internal audit's strategy and plan is agreed between internal audit and management. It is approved by the Audit Committee and cannot be directed by external auditor. Effective co-operation between external auditor and internal auditor means more than avoiding duplication. An effective framework of co-operation and co-ordination ensures liaison, co-operation on work programmes and the sharing of information. This can be achieved through: The external auditor has various responsibilities when it comes to performing the audit. It is the responsibility of the external auditors to perform audit of financial statements in such a way that they areable to form opinion, including: Auditors have a responsibility to satisfy themselves that the audited body has put in place proper arrangements to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources. While doing so, the auditor must consider and assess the relevant significant business risks. Auditors are not required to report to audited bodies on the accuracy of performance information that the audited bodies publish. Auditor's work is limited to review of the systemsput in place by the audited body to collect, record and publish the information. Nor are auditors required to form a view on the realism and achievability of the assessments published by those audited bodies. The auditor's report should contain a clear written expression of opinion on the financial statements taken as a whole. The auditor's report includes the following basic elements: (a) Title (b) Addressee (c) Opening or introductory paragraph containing (i) Identification of the financial statements audited (ii) A statement of the responsibility of the entity management and the responsibility of the auditor (d) Scope paragraph containing (i) A reference to ISAs or relevant national standards or practices (ii) A description of work performed by auditor (e) Opinion paragraph containing (i) A reference to the financial reporting framework used to prepare the financial statements (ii) An expression of op

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Summary of council meeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary of council meeting - Essay Example One of the meeting Agendas included planning for seven-year capital improvement program. The plan was to be implemented starting from the year 2014 to 2021. During the discussion of this Agenda, it was recommended that the Planning commission find out about the conformity of the adopted plan of the fiscal years in the seven-year duration. The findings were to be approved by City council. The second agenda was the public hearing. During the hearing, the approval of the Zoning Code Amendment 2014-10 was discussed. The recommended action during the discussion of this agenda was that the City Council should approve the amendment which consisted of a review of the City’s development plan. The Meeting was concluded with comments from the planning commission. He said that any formal action taken on a requested issue would be discussed in the next meeting. In my opinion, the meeting was very organized. During the meeting, people behaved in respectful ways. For instance, the audience did not boo or shout at each other when they disagreed. If they disagreed they were given a chance to ask questions since the audience were encouraged to express their opinions

Monday, October 14, 2019

Logic of the Sea Essay Example for Free

Logic of the Sea Essay The article The Duty of Inquiry comes from the book The Ethics of Belief by William Kingdon Clifford. The author, William Clifford is a notable English philosopher and mathematician of the 19th century. This article talks about belief and how it necessitates responsible inquiry. It asserts that belief should be accompanied by reasonable investigation rather than baseless assertions. Also, we are the ones responsible for our belief regardless of the consequences (Clifford). These arguments were delivered using hypothetical situations pertaining to belief and the importance of inquiry. The author’s main argument is that our beliefs precede our actions and even the result of these actions, which is why we have to take full responsibility of these beliefs through appropriate means of inquiry. The author starts by presenting a hypothetical situation of a ship owner and his vessel. The ship owner’s vessel is about to set sail across the ocean with a lot of emigrants aboard. However, the owner thinks that the ship may have some problems, and perhaps it is not fit to set sail at all, however, he thinks that it is all too expensive to repair. He gives it some more thought, clearing his mind of the doubts, establishing a firm idea that his ship is still capable of sailing. He has convinced himself and he clearly disregarded his prior suspicions, and he finally permits he ship to set sail. The inevitable happens, the ship sank, and all those aboard died or were lost at sea. The ship owner collects the insurance, but deep inside him he is guilty of what happened to the passengers. The ship owner may be sincere with his admission of guilt; however, this is already irrelevant in this situation. It’s because the belief that he conjured were not made from careful investigation, rather it was from stifling his doubts, from disproving by himself whatever thought of uncertainty he had in the first place. In this situation, the ship owner’s guilt is from the fact that he was the one who knowingly and willingly created the frame of mind that made him to believe that his ship can still sail. He had doubts in the beginning but he was able to convince himself, though his decision is made out of preference rather than what is real. He didn’t do anything to check up on the ship, to see whether his doubts may hold true or not, instead he just thought about it, thought that it was alright, and made up his mind that it was indeed all right. He is guilty because he didn’t do the appropriate inquiry to verify or disprove his thoughts. Rather than acting upon it, he just thought about it, which if we look at it carefully, it’s a bit careless since a lot of lives are at stake. The author then asserts that the ship owner’s guild is actually determined regardless of its effects, so whatever the consequences of his beliefs, he is still responsible for it. After giving it some thought, even though the ship may have successfully sailed at that time or even for many more times, the mere fact that he has somehow believed that the ship was unworthy of sailing, he is still responsible for it. His guilt is already determined whether or not the ship survives. It is not about the consequences of the action, but about the belief he had already conjured. From the moment he thought about it, he is already responsible for his belief, so it is his task that to know about his thoughts, to take appropriate means of inquiry in order verify or confirm it. The author then presents another hypothetical situation, this time regarding religious teaching. It is about a prominent personality who is constantly attacked in an organized way, only to find out after further investigations that the accusations made about him were all false. Because of this, the accusations were immediately discredited. This situation is important because it proves that any reasonable effort to know the truth or reality of situation given could indeed disconfirm or disprove any of the accusations initially made. This means that because of the effort exerted to know what’s real, the accusations made in the first place are already disconfirmed. Even though the charges directed towards the person were sincere, they are still irrelevant to this situation. The basis of this is that the beliefs presented initially were just based on preference; the accusations made towards that person were the result of their prejudice or perhaps their passion without really giving any attention to factual evidence. So based on this, they really had no right to believe on whatever is presented before them. So when effort is made to verify any of this, it could be regarded as an act to disprove the accusations, and supports the author’s argument that the morality of the question is already settled even though the consequences are known. The author employed the steps in this order so that the reader could build up on the assumption that indeed beliefs should correspond to the appropriate inquiry. Without inquiry, these beliefs were just worthless, and it wouldn’t be justified by whatever consequences. By carefully analyzing the hypothetical situations posed by William Clifford, we can see that indeed, belief should be accompanied by reasonable investigation rather than baseless assertions, and that we re responsible for these beliefs. We can achieve this by through appropriate means of inquiry. Work Cited: Clifford, William Kingdon. The Ethics of Belief. 1877. December 12 2009. http://ajburger. homestead. com/files/book. htm#ethics.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Types, Causes and Treatments

Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Types, Causes and Treatments The digestive system plays a huge role in the survival in all living animals and our digestive system, through a series of physical and chemical changes, breaks down the food we eat into molecules that are absorbed and used by the cells in our bodies. Like many things in life, we often take advantage of the systems in our body and do not take proper care of our bodies. We only seem to pay attention to them when something is going wrong. Inflammatory bowel disease, also known as IBD, is one of many common diseases that affect hundreds of thousands of people in North America every year. Inflammatory bowel disease is not a disease in itself; rather it is a name for a group of similar disorders. The two main types of inflammatory bowel disease are known as Crohns disease and Ulcerative colitis. Both disorders cause parts of the digestive tract (most commonly the large or small intestines) to become inflamed. This paper will outline some details about inflammatory bowel disease including its causes, diagnoses treatment, life style changes made when diagnosed, and some other issues. Causes of IBD Doctors and scientists have been researching the cause, but they are still not certain as to what exactly causes them. It is believed that the inflammation caused by IBD is contributed to by three main factors. These factors are the genes one inherits, ones immune system, and a foreign substance (an antigen) in the environment. It is believed that this foreign substance is either directly causing the inflammation or the antigen triggers the bodys immune system. Once the immune system is triggered it begins to produce inflammation as an attempt to destroy the antigen, but in cases of IBD inflammation can not be controlled. Though the patients immune system begins to defend the body, it does not know how to properly stop at the correct time which may cause extreme damages to the digestive tract due to inflammation and eventually will cause ulcers (sores) 1. Other causes of IBD have to do with ones genetic make up. It is believed that IBD can be linked to ones race, family history and genes. IBD can affect some ethnic groups more than others. IBD was first believed to only affect Caucasians but recent reports have changed that view. There is a rate of 149/100,000 Caucasians that are infected in America, but Jews of European descent living in North America are 4-5 times more likely to contract the disease than people of other ethnicities2. There are also reports of higher cases of IBD in those of African descent, but there are lower infection rates in Asians and Hispanics. Studies also show that 10-20% of people who are affected by IBD will have a family history of having the disease. This means that greatest possible risk to contracting IBD is if someone in your family has been diagnosed with it before. Those who have family members who have been affected are 10 times more likely to be infected and if the infected relative is a brother o r sister, chances of getting IBD increases 30 fold3. Scientists also have come to believe that the NOD2 gene may be linked with IBD Symptoms Inflammatory bowel disease is not curable and will affect patients sporadically through out their lives. Symptoms vary from person to person when it comes to IBD and will flare up and die down at different times in a patients life. The most common symptoms are diarrhea, cramps and rectal bleeding. IBD can also affect ones joints, eyes, and skin and some children who suffer from Crohns may experience delayed growth and sexual development. IBD is a disease that will affect a patient for many years and symptoms will come and go, sometimes more severe than other times. Along with typical symptoms patients may feel other complications as well. Common complications in patients of IBD include intestinal blockages caused by swelling. The blockage will lead to narrower intestinal passages and thicker bowel walls. Medication can be used to remove these blockages, but if they are serious they may need surgery. Nutrional deficiencies may also be a complication often occurring in those who have b een diagnosed with IBD for a very long time. Their bodies will have troubles with absorbing proteins and vitamins, which may lead to a deficiency. Vitamin supplements may be needed in these cases. Sores and ulcers are also a common complication. The ulcers may cause a fistula (a hole that leads from one loop of the intestine to another) to develop. These holes may lead to the bladder, vagina or skin and may become infected. If small enough, fistulas may be treated with drugs, but if serious enough surgery may be required.5 Chrons Disease There are 5 main types of Crohns disease based on the general area that is being affected. The complications and symptoms of Crohns are different depending on what area of the intestines are inflamed. Ileocolitis: This is the most common form of Crohns disease that affects the ileum. The symptoms that come with ileocolitis include pain in middle of the abdomen, cramping, and diarrhea. Ileocolitis can also cause weight loss. Ileitis: This form of Crohns only affects the ileum, but results in the same symptoms as ileocolitis. Gastroduodenal Crohns disease: Occurs in the stomach the duodenum. Symptoms may include loss of appetite, nausea, and weight loss Jejunoilletis: Jejunoiletis causes patchy areas of inflammation in the jejunum. Symptoms include cramps following meals, diarrhea and include pain in the abdominal region that ranges from mild to severe. Crohns colitis: This form of Crohns only affects the colon and causes diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and other diseases around the anus including ulcers.6 Ulcerative Colitis There are also many form of ulcerative colitis, but they have almost the exact same symptom as some forms of Crohns disease. Ulcerative Procitis: The inflammation in located in the rectum and in mild cases, rectal bleeding may be the only symptom. In more serious cases one may feel sudden urges to go to the bathroom and tenesumus which is a term describing painful and ineffective bowel movements. Proctosigmoiditis: Inflammation is located in the rectum and the last section of the colon (sigmoid colon). The symptoms are the same of those that come with ulcerative procitis. Left-sided Colitis: Inflamation in the left side of the colon (rectum, sigmoid colon, and descending colon). Also called limited or distal colitis. The symptoms caused by left-sided colitis are pain on the left side of the abdomen, weightloss and diarreah.7 Diagnosis According to the Crohns Colitis Foundation of Canada by fall of 2008, about 200 000 Canadian8 and according to the Crohns Colitis Foundation of America about 1.4 million Americans9 have been diagnosed with IBD. IBD tends to infect those who are between the ages 15-35 years of age, but is not limited to those few. It can also occur in younger children and people as old as 70. A staggering 10% of those who are affected by IBD are under the age of 18. Because of the high rate of IBD it is important to have the disease properly diagnosed. Inflammatory bowel diseases symptoms are very similar to many other diseases so doctors must be careful when diagnosing the disease and it may take a long time. Some common tests to diagnose IBD include endoscopies examining the colon, the sigmoid colon, esophagus, or the liver and pancreatic duct. Different types of radiology test can be used as well including x-rays, CT scans, MRI, white blood cell scans, and ultrasounds. Sometimes a small piece of tissue from the infected area may be cut out for closer analysis. This can further help doctors diagnose IBD.10 Treatment As of now, there isnt any known cure for IBD. Once a patient is diagnosed IBD it is important to properly treat the disorder in order to keep ones symptoms in check. The most common form of treatment is the usage of medication. There are many types of drugs used to treat patients with IBD. Aminosalicylates are one type of drug used that are meant to subside inflammation caused by IBD and is usually used to treat mild symptoms. Asacol, ® Colazal,. ® Dipentum, ® orPentasa, ® are all examples of aminosalicylates. Corticosteroids, the second type of drug which is usually used in moderate to severe cases, are given to patients to suppress ones immune system. Prednisone and methylprednisolone are the types of corticosteroids and they can be dangerous because they may cause some long-term side effects. The third type of drug used to treat IBD are immune modifiers. These are used to heal fistulas in the intestinal tract and to help reduce ones dosage of corticosteroids. Azathioprine (Imuran ®), 6-MP (Purinethol ®), and methotrexateImmune modifiers are some examples of this. Just like many other diseases IBD can also be treated with the use of Antibiotics. Antibiotics like metronidazole, ampicillin, and ciprofloxacin, are just a few of the types that can be used. Also biological therapies can be used to treat IBD. There are many types and each serves a different purpose. For example Inflixmiab (Remicade ®) is a drug made of 75 percent human, 25 percent mouse protein and is an antibody. This antibodies function is to block ones immune system. This blockage stops the immune system from making a chemical called tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), a chemical that is made by the bodys immune system to intensify inflammation within the body. By stopping the immune system from making TNF-alpha, inflammation caused by IBD can be prevented.11 Eventually medicine will not be enough to control the symptoms of IBD. 66%-75% of people diagnosed with Crohns will eventually need surgery in their lives. Surgery may be needed to repair a fistula, clear blockage in the intestines, or to remove a section of the intestines. In cases of IBD, surgerys main function is to try and keep as much as the bowels intact and helps patients live a high quality life.12 Societal issues and Life Style Changes Along with proper medication certain lifestyle changes can be made in order to reduce ones symptoms and improve overall health. Special care should be taken to make sure one is receiving a healthy diet. Often those who are diagnosed with IBD have a loss of appetite because of nausea which may lead to an improper amount of food intake. The disease also increases the amount of calories needed by the body. Also IBD causes diarrhea and is linked to problems with absorption of protein, fat, carbohydrates and water. All of these take away essential nutrients from the body and proper nutrition can help return those nutrients to the body. Also when experiencing some of the symptoms of IBD one should avoid eating any high-fiber and spicy foods because they may cause even more discomfort.13 Inflammatory bowel disease is very common among people in North America and because of this people may feel emotionally stressed when they find out they are diagnosed with IBD. This is a major societal issue because of how common IBD is. People may struggle to cope with the chronic pain accompanied with IBD. It will begin to really affect ones quality of life. Ones physical and emotional well being, self-esteem, and ability to function in social groups may be affected. Patients who are diagnosed with IBD should try to receive emotional support from their families and doctors. Though psychiatric help is not mandatory it may also be a good idea to talk to a therapist. Stress plays a role in IBD. One should try reducing stress to help avoid a flare in their symptoms. Regular Exercise, yoga, and listening to music are just a few ways to relieve stress.14 Environmental Issues Researches do not know why, but IBD is more common in areas that are more developed. Cases of IBD are usually found in the U.S. and Europe. IBD is more common in northern climate and in urban areas, rather than southern climates and rural areas.15 Societal Issues As previously stated Crohns and Ulcerative Colitis do not have a known cure and are a life long disease. IBD is treated with numerous types of medications and surgery. The problem with this is that those who are uninsured and are diagnosed with IBD must pay thousands of dollars over the courses of their life in order to pay for medicine and surgery. In fact reports from the market research firm GlobalData states that in 2008 $1.4 billion in revenue was made from sales of medication related to Crohns That number is expected to go up to $2.1 billion by 2015.16 Ethical Issues There have been cases where people with Crohns have received stem-cell transplantation. One boy was diagnosed with Crohns disease when he was 13 and had received regular treatment for Crohns. He eventually developed non-Hodgkins lymphoma when he was 20 and received a stem cell transplantation to fight the lymphoma.. He did not receive the stem cell for his Crohns, but for 7 years after the transplantation he did not have any symptoms for Crohns17.This raises a question whether or not stem cell research should be used to treat IBD. Stem cell research has raised many debates on how ethical it is. There have been many debates whether or not stem cell research should be allowed or not. Conclusion There currently is not a cure for IBD, but those who have been diagnosed should be aware of symptoms, causes, and the all the possible things they can do to improve their lives. Research is being done and scientists have been working hard to try and improve treatment for IBD and eventually find the cure. People who have been diagnosed will face some challenges, but they should go on to live long healthy and happy lives.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Role of Women in Homer’s Iliad Essay -- Iliad Thetis Andromache He

The Role of Women in Homer’s Iliad Homer’s Iliad is undoubtedly focused on its male characters: Achilles, primarily, but also Hector and Agamemnon. Nevertheless, it seems that the most crucial characters in the epic are female. Homer uses the characters of Thetis, Andromache, and Helen as a basis for comparison to the male characters. Homer wants his audience to see and understand the folly of his male characters in choosing war over peace, aggression over kindness, and honor over family. While the behavior of these characters clearly speaks for itself, the contrasting attitudes and behaviors of the female characters proffer an alternative; in comparison, the reader can hardly fail to concur with Homer’s message that war, aggression, and honor are misplaced and self-defeating values. The men of the Iliad are very emotional individuals; however, the emotions they express are consistently rage, pride, and jealousy. Achilles and Agamemnon jealously bicker over Briseis, a war prize that neither man particularly values. Agamemnon eventually returns her to Achilles with the admission that he never actually coupled with her; Achilles is less-than-enthused to have her back. Not only is Briseis, as a woman, regarded less as a human being as she is chattel, but the real issue dividing Agamemnon and Achilles is petty jealousy and pride. This is symptomatic of a general attitude among men that "might makes right," and the only priority is to exert a dominance over others whenever possible and at any cost. Achilles is willing to risk the lives of his compatriots and eventually forfeits his own life in pursuit of glory. Hector also loses his life and fails his family and country for glory despite having weighed the alternatives and con... ... remembered for their great glory. Kindness, to them, is a weakness; yet ironically, it is their kindness for which they are remembered and mourned by those who loved them best. One role of the women of ancient Greece was mourning for the dead; the lamentations of the women in the Iliad are a role well fulfilled. Works Cited and Consulted: Calame, Claude. Choruses of Young Women in Ancient Greece : Their Morphology, Religious Role, and Social Fucntion.  Trans. by Derek Collins and Jane Orion. 1997. Sissa, Giulia. 1990. Greek Virginity. Trans. by Arthur Goldhammer. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Orig. pub. as Le corps virginal. 1987. 000: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin. Steiner, George, and Fagles, Robert, eds. Homer: A Collection of Critical Essays. Twentieth Century Views, ed. Maynard Mack. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall, 1962.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Financial Statement Analysis Essay

I. INTRODUCTION Financial analysis is the selection, evaluation and interpretation of financial data, along with other pertinent, to assist in investment and financial decision-making. Moreover, it is also the process of identifying financial strengths and weaknesses of the firm by properly establishing relationship between the items of the balance sheet and profit and loss accounts. When looking a specific company, the financial analyst will often focus on the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flows statement. One of the most common ways of analyzing financial data is to calculate ratios from the data to compare against those of other companies or against the company’s own historical performance. For example, return on assets is a common ratio used to determine how efficient a company is at using its assets and as a measure of profitability. This ratio could be calculated for several similar companies and compared as part of a larger analysis. Financial analysis converts raw information of financial statements in useful financial information. Only after financial analysis, we can use financial statements for decision making. This financial information is useful for planning for example; we can estimate our future ability of earning on advertising if we did financial analysis of our advertising expenses with direct return on the investment in advertising. Like this, we can do financial analysis of each and every item of profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement. II. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES This study aims to analyze the financial statement of Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc and Far Eastern University for the periods of 2007 to 2011 using financial statement analysis. This analysis are to apprehend the information contained in financial statements with a view to know the weaknesses and strengths of the firm and to make a forecast about the future prospects of the firm thereby, enabling the analysts to take decisions regarding the operation of, and further investment in, the firm. To be more specific, the analysis is undertaken to serve the following purposes (objectives): * Assessment of Past Performance. Past performance is a good indicator of future performance. * Assessment of current position. Financial statement analysis shows the current position of the firm in terms of the types of assets owned by a business firm and the different liabilities due against the enterprise. * Prediction of profitability and growth prospects. Financial statement analysis helps in assessing and predicting the earning prospects and growth rates in earning which are used by investors while comparing investment alternatives and other users in judging earning potential of business enterprise. * Prediction of bankruptcy and failure. Financial statement analysis is an important tool in assessing and predicting bankruptcy and probability of business failure. * Assessment of the operational efficiency. Financial statement analysis helps to assess the operational efficiency of the management of a company. RESEARCH AND DISCUSSION Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. (DYCI) started as a non-sectarian secondary institution. It was established in 1950 as the Francisco Balagtas Academy (FBA). In 1987, the name of the institution was changed to Dr. Yanga’s Francisco Balagtas Colleges (DYFBC). Through the years, the school has been an integral part in the formation of many young men and women of Bulacan, metamorphosing into successful practitioners in their various fields of interest. In 2001, the name of the institution was changed again and became Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. (formerly Dr. Yanga’s Francisco Balagtas Colleges, Inc.) was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 2001, primarily to own, operate, maintain, or otherwise administer a school or colleges of any nationality providing therein education in different courses. Far Eastern University.The Far Eastern University, Incorporated (the University or FEU) is a domestic educational institution founded in June 1928 and was registered and incorporated with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on October 27, 1933. On October 27, 1983, the University extended its corporate life for another 50 years. The University became a listed corporation in the Philippine Stock Exchange on July 11, 1986. The University is a private, non-sectarian institution of learning comprising the following different institutes that offer specific courses, namely, Institute of Arts and Sciences; Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance; Institute of Education; Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts; Institute of Nursing; Institute of Engineering; Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management; Institute of Law; and Institute of Graduate Studies (PSE website). In November 2009, FEU entered into a Joint Venture (JV) Agreement to establish a joint venture company (JVC) for culinary arts. The registration of the JVC was approved by the SEC on May 7, 2010. In 2010, the University established the FEU Makati Campus (the Branch) in Makati City. The Branch started its operations in June 2010 (PSE website). III. FINDINGS/ANALYSIS FINANCIAL RATIOS Financial ratio analysis is the calculation and comparison of ratios which are derived from the information in a company’s financial statements the level and historical trends of these ratios can be used to make inferences about the company’s financial condition, its operation and attractiveness as an investment. There are four categories of ratio used in financial statement analysis. These are: (1) Liquidity Ratio(2)Activity Ratio(3)Leverage Ratio(4)Profitability Ratio This part of the study is organized the calculation and comparison of ratios of Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. and Far Eastern University using the four categories of financial ratios. Specific ratios for each category are also presented and analyzed 1. Liquidity ratio. Which measure a firm’s ability to meet cash needs as they arise. * Current ratio. The current ratio indicates a company’s ability to meet short-term debt obligations. The current ratio measures whether or not a firm has enough resources to pay its debts over the next 12 months. This ratio shows the current assets available to cover current liabilities at the balance sheet date. There should be a reasonable buffer of current assets over current liabilities as an indicator of the ability of the firm to pay its debts as and when they fall due. As presented, the current ratio of FEU is insignificantly increasing, which could mean more current assets may still be invested in other wealth-generating activities. This implies that FEU has to revisit its capital budgeting initiatives. As to the current ratio of DYCI is generally decreasing which has 4.36 in 2007 that reflects inefficient working capital management to 1.56 by 2011 which falls into a healthy mark of business current assets and liabilities that indicate both account are well functioning and helpful to the operation. * Quick or acid-test ratio. The quick ratio is a measure of a company’s ability to meet its short-term obligations using its most liquid assets (near cash or quick assets). Quick assets include those current assets that presumably can be quickly converted to cash at close to their book values.As a supplement to current ratio, quick or acid-test ratio aims to show the more liquid current assets available to pay the more immediately payable liabilities. With reference to current assets, FEU has its quick asset for the year 2010 of 2.26 and 1.92 for the year of 2011. The acid test ratio of FEU is steadily decreasing from 2007 to 2011 which could be interpreted as a deterioration of liquidity.While quick ratio of DYCI is same as their current ratio decreases because the only current assets they have arecash and cash equivalent and trade receivables which are both included in the quick assets. DYCI is less liquid than their previous. * Working Capital to total assets. Working capital to total assets ratio is useful while evaluating the company’s level of liquidity. Working capital measures a company’s ability to cover its short term financial obligations by comparing its Total Current Assets to its Total Assets.FEU’s working capital to total assets shows that from 0.57 in 2007 has its increased up to 4.26 in 2011 which indicates a positive sign, showing that FEU’s liquidity is improving over time. While DYCI has decreased its working capital to total assets between years 2007 with 0.21 down to 0.08 in 2011 that indicates the company may have too many total current liabilities, reducing the amount of working capital available. * Cash-flow liquidity ratio. Cash-flow liquidity ratio measures how well a company can handle its Short Term Debt with its cash and other liquid assets. It seems like quick ratio of FEU has become inconsistent with considerable decline in the liquidity ratio. This just confirms the discussion presented in the current ratio portion that not all current assets of FEU fall under the immediately realizable current assets when needed to pay off maturing debts. In the financial ratio of DYCI the cash flow liquidity ratio is unstable where it goes from 2.44 in 2007 it went down to 1.72 by 2008 and escalate to 2.36 and 3.57 by 2009 & 2010 but drastically recede during 2011 to 2.71 it shows that DYCI can provide cash payment to its short term obligation. 1. Activity ratio. Which measure the liquidity of specific assets and efficiency of managing assets. * Trade Receivable turn-over. Trade Receivable turn-over measures how many times a company’s accounts receivable have been turnover into cash during the year.FEU’s converted trade receivables into cash 3.14 times in 2011, low from 20.17 in 2007. The turnover if receivable doesn’t improve which may indicate a not do good quality of receivable and no improvement of the firm’s collection and credit policies. While the DYCI has a 41.92 times in 2011, up from 26.09 times in 2007. The receivable has improved and this may indicate better quality of receivable and improvement of the firm’s collection and credit policies. Generally, a high turnover of DYCI is good because it could indicate efficiency in the collection of receivable, but a very high turnover may not be favorable because it may indicate that credit and collection policies are overly restrictive. * Average Collection Period. This helps evaluate the liquidity of accounts receivable, the ability of the firm to collect from the customers.The ratio for FEU, indicate that during 2011, the firm collected its accounts in 116 days on average. No improvement over the 18 days collection period in 2007. This is one of the main reasons why it has significantly higher current assets.While the DYCI’s financial ratio reflects that decreased their average collection turnover by 5 days from 14days in 2007 to 9days by 2011 which signifies that there’s an excellent credit term management and falls into outstanding receivables. Hence, cash is circulating wellalthough out the operations that generates revenue.FEU has the longest collection period. Whether the average of 18 days taken to collect an account is good or bad, it depends on the credit terms FEU is offering. * Working capital turn-over. Working capital turn-over measures how well a company is utilizing its working capital to support a given level of sales. FEU’s financial ratio shows that working capital turnover in 2007 with 2.04 down to 1.07 in 2011 indicates a decreasing ratio which is a low ratio that FEU is investing in too many accounts receivable to support its sales, which could eventually lead to an excessive amount of bad debts and obsolete inventory. On the other hand DYCI has a working capital turnover between year 2011 with 17.11 and 9.62 in 2007 that means a high, or increasing Working Capital Turnover is usually a positive sign, showing the company is better able to generate sales from its Working Capital. But an extremely high working capital turnover ratio can indicate that DYCI does not have enough capital to support it sales growth. This is a particularly strong indicator when the accounts payable component of working capital is very high, since it indicates that management cannot pay its b ills as they come due for payment. * Asset turn-over ratio. Asset turn-over ratio measures how efficiently a company’s assets generate revenue For FEU, the total asset turnover has decreased relative to the industry. As reflected in the financial ratio of asset turnover in 2007 with 0.58 times that there is no improvement primarily in 2011 with 0.49 times. Like DYCI also has no improvement on their asset turnover ratio like FEU. The year 2007 and 2011 the ratio is low from 1.41 down to 0.84. But similar to the previous financial ratio, as a rule of thumb, to be considered effective, it should be at least 0.30 times. Using this, it can be said that the two firms both FEU and DYCI keep an effective mechanism on utilizing their total assets. * Capital intensity ratio. Capital intensity ratio measure of a firm’s efficiency in deployment of its assets.As reflected on the financial ratio of FEU. The capital intensity in 2007 was 1.72 and has an improvement with 2.05 in 2011. So FEU’s capital intensity ratio is high, it is said to be capital intensive. Like DYCI also a high ratio in 2007 with 0.71 up to 1.19 in 2011. This means that both firms have to make a significant investment in assets relative to the amount of sales revenue those assets can produce. Hence, FEU is more capital intensive than DYCI 1. Leverage ratio. Which measures the extent of a firm’s financing with debt relative to equity and its ability to cover interest and other fixed charges. * Debt ratio. Debt ratio measures the proportion of all assets that are financed with debt.Total debt includes all current liabilities and long term debt. Creditors prefer low ratios because the lower the ratio, the greater the cushion against losses in the event of liquidation. As presented, in 2007 with a 0.15 down to 0.12 in 2011 it seems like FEU will be highly favored because they have the lowest ratio and lower the risk. On the other hand DYCI will also be highly favoredbecause of its 0.89 in 2007 up to 0.91 in 2011. They both have the lowest ratio and indicate lower the risk because they didn’t have reached the generally considered maximum ratio of 50%. To much debt would pose difficulty in obtaining additional debt financing when needed or that credit is available only at extremely high rates of interest and most onerous terms. * Debt to equity ratio. Debt to equity ratio measures the riskiness of the firm’s capital structure in terms of relationship between the funds supplied by the creditor and the investor.As reflected from the financial ratio of FEU. FEU’s debt to equity ratio has increased between 0.88 of 2011 and 0.85 0f 2007, implying a slightly riskier capital structure. On the other hand the financial ratio of DYCI’s debt to equity ratio decreases from 0.11 in 2007 and 0.9 in 2011 which implies a no risk capital structure. 1. Profitability ratio. Which measure the overall performance of a firm and its efficiency in managing assets, liabilities, and equity * Operating Profit Margin. A ratio used to measure a company’s pricing strategy and operating efficiency.FEU’s operating profit margin doesn’t have an improvement because of its 34% in 2007 down to 26% in 2011. This is unfavorable because it indicates the ability of the company that there is no control in operating expenses while sharply decreasing sale. Unlike the operating profit margin of DYCI is consistently in equal level which is 1% in 2007 until 2011 with 1% as well. * Cash Flow Margin. Cash flow margin is cash from operating activities as a percentage of sales in a given period.FEU’s cash flow margin between 0.32% in 2011 decreased from the operating margin of 0.43% in 2007. On the other hand the DYCI’s cash flow margin in 2011 of 0.21 was higher than the operating margin. This indicates a strong positive generation of cash. The performance in 2011 represent a solid and impressive improvement over 2005 which is -0.01 when the firm failed to generate cash from operations and had a negative cash floe margin. * Rate of Return on Assets (ROA). It gives an idea as to how efficient management is at using its assets to generate earnings.This ratio measures efficiency with which assets are used to operate the firm. As a rule of thumb, a higher return on total assets is preferred since lower ROAmay mean higher degree of leveragetherefore higher interest expense and lower net income. Referring to financial ratio of FEU between 2011 from 2008 FEU consistently showed the highest ratio than DYCI with 1% in 2011. * Rate of Return on Equity. It gives an idea as to how efficient management is at using its assets to generate earnings. This ratio measures the rate of return on common shareholders’ investment. This is considered as the most important accounting ratio as this has something to do with the DuPont equation. As a rule of thumb, the higher the ROE, the better since low ROE but high ROA may mean that the firm is using greater debt. Reflected inthe financial ratio of FEU between the year 2007 to 2011 is inconsistently showed the highest ratio than DYCI with its low ratio of 7% in 2007. Summary of Financial Statements Analysis of FEU and DYCI Short-term liquidity and Activity Short-term liquidity and activity analysis is of particular significance to trade and short-term creditors, management and other parties concerned with the ability of a firm to meet near-term demand for cash. Both FEU and DYCI’s current and quick ratios are insignificantly decreasing indicating a deterioration of short-term liquidity. On the other hand the cash flow liquidity ratio of both firms doesn’t improved and has become inconsistent with considerable decline in the liquidity ratio. The average collection periods for accounts receivable of FEU doesn’t improved. There is no improvement that may be the result of poor day-to-day credit management or such temporary problem concerned by a depressed economy. While the DYCI decreased their average collection turnover by 5days which signifies that there is an excellent credit term management and falls into outstanding receivables. Presently, there appears to be no major problem in DYCI’s short-term liquidity position but FEU seems that there is a problem in average collection period that must have been improved. Long-term Solvency The debt ratios for FEU and DYCI shows a steady decreased in the use of borrowed funds. Total debt has decreased relative to total assets implying a slightly riskier capital structure. Given the decreased level of borrowing, the times earned and fixed charged coverage improved slightly in 2011. These ratio should however be monitored closely in the future particularly if the both firms continues to expand. Operating Efficiency and Profitability FEU and DYCI both decreased from 2007 to 2011 that means inefficient utilization or obsolescence of fixed assets. The assets turnover in 2011 of both firms also decreased implying that the company is not using its assets optimally and no progress traceable to improved management of receivables. Operating profit margin of FEU doesn’t have an improvement, unfavorable and manage to improve its operating margin in 2011 principally due to the ability of the firm that there is no control in operating expenses. Unlike DYCI that is in the stable level from 2007 to 2011. Referring to financial ratio of FEU and DYCI both firm increased considerably in 2011. These ratios measure the overall success of the both firm in generating profits from its investment and management strategies. Conclusion: It appears that Far Eastern University and Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. doesn’t have any major problems and is well proportioned for future growth but FEU must improve their average collection period. Close monitoring the firm’s management of receivables is important considering the size of the company’s capital tied up. The both firm should however be cautious of the increased risk associated with debt financing. IV. RECOMMENDATION The analysis of the Dr. Yanga’s Colleges Inc., financial statements shows that there is no consistent ratio on the increase of their comprehensive income unlike the Far Eastern University who maintains the increase of their profit. Therefore, it is advised that a stronger and more effective policy shall be developed and implemented regarding the ratio of the revenue and all expenses. When it comes to their cash every end of the year, Dr. Yanga’s improve better than FEU. For the past 5 years, FEU keeps on decreasing their cash on hand. It is observed and analyze that FEU’s cash on hand decrease, while their account receivables increase. So, the expected cash to be use in the entire year was still receivable that affects their accounting plans. It shows that FEU has a weak credit and collection policy, so it is advised to focus on those credit accounts, and also in accepting creditors and promissory notes. As reflected in the financial ratio of Far Eastern University and Dr. Yangas colleges, Inc. there is no major problems for both firms and is well proportioned for future growth. However the Far eastern University has a problem in their average collection period. Therefore, possessing a lower average collection period is seen as optimal, because this means that it does not take a company very long to turn its receivables into cash. Ultimately, every business needs cash to pay off its own expenses. In that case it is advised that FEU must improve an excellent credit term management to fall into outstanding receivables. Hence, cash is circulating well although out the operations that generates revenue.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Rhetorical, Textual, or Source Analysis worksheet

Write a short, clear summary of the article: This article tackles the problem of unhealthy self-esteem among women allegedly caused by media-generated concepts of femininity and how best to confront this problem, which is through social activism and social marketing. It is fuelled by the results of numerous studies which suggest a strong link between the portrayal of unrealistic images of women in the media and the increasing tendency towards unhealthy eating and dieting behaviours of women. What is the context of the article? In â€Å"The Media’s Influence on Body Image Disturbance and Eating Disorders: We’ve Reviled Them, Now Can We Rehabilitate Them,† Thomson and Heinberg (1999) illuminate the growing concern among the American women population on the adverse impact of images portrayed in the mass-media on the self-perception and self-esteem of women who are exposed and vulnerable to subscribing to media-generated conceptions of femininity that have been linked to the increasingly unhealthy lifestyles taken up by more and more girls and women. What seems to be the author’s purpose? The authors discuss the mechanism by which the media is able to influence the lifestyle patterns of women in the aim of identifying ways by which girls and women would be able to resist or combat the ill-effects of media images on their behavioural, psychological, and physical health. They present a relevant perspective on how women can counter the psychological manoeuvres of the mass media. In what type of publication did this appear? Describe it. The article appeared in the academic â€Å"Journal of Social Issues,† a quarterly publication which publishes contributions from social scientists and academics that tackle the relationship between society and human beings and issues that arise from this. The journal is published by Blackwell Publishing in behalf of The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Write a brief analysis of the author’s credentials and possible expertise or bias. If no information is available on the author, try to take a guess based upon his or her knowledge and writing ability, which you might derive from the article. Thomson and Heinberg (1999) are obviously academic experts in the field of psychology who have extensively studied the impact of media-mediated concepts on the feminine psyche. In fact, the result of their own research on the effect of media images on the self-esteem and self-concept of women was among the evidence they presented in the article. Who seems to be the target audience? Be specific. Judging from the language and tone of the article, the authors’ target audience are policymakers, development workers, and academic researchers. Here, Thomson and Heinberg (1999) clearly advocate for the creation and implementation of education-based programs that would benefit women by arming them with the knowledge to decipher the subliminal messages they are often bombarded with through advertisements and other forms of media. In short outline form, show the author’s stance. Then, explain and evaluate the presentation of the author’s stance. In other words, what’s the thesis? What reasons are given for this stance? Are the reasons supported well? The authors contend that social activism will encourage women to be active in challenging the social structures that profit from and reinforce the prevailing social biases and gender stereotypes of women, while social marketing will teach women not only to pursue the demystification of the â€Å"feminine ideal† but more importantly, in the generation of positive and realistic concepts of being women. The article therefore summarizes the results of recent research which support the contention that the mass media is one of the biggest source of poor self-concept and self-confidence for women, and proposes the combination of two-strategies, social activism and social marketing,   that would enable women to counter the concept of the â€Å"feminine ideal† portrayed in the media—that of the thin, airbrushed, and computer-generated model—by empowering them to see through this images and helping them develop a multi-dimensional concept of being a woman. Analyze the writer’s language. What is the writer’s tone? Why might he or she have chosen this tone? Is it effective? What words are defined or left undefined? Give examples. The writer’s language is formal and academic, which might have been chosen because its target audience are those from the academe such as social scientists and intellectuals. It effectively conveys the weight of the problem at hand and lends seriousness to the discussion of the solutions presented. Based upon your analysis, is this a credible piece of writing? Explain. Yes, because it presents extensive evidence to its claim gained from years of academic research by social scientists interested in the issue. While the authors have recognized that a direct link between the images propagated by the media vis-à  -vis women’s self-esteem has yet to be proven, the article manages to support its contention in an ample manner by showing how media images, even indirectly, shapes the way women think, consume, and behave. In turn, its argument of using the media itself to turn things around becomes more convincing and relevant especially for women and other sectors involved. Finally, and in detail (really think about this—refer to specifics) how do the stance and language choices relate to the author’s purpose and target audience? Explain. This article is written in a persuasive manner, and shows the authors’ capability to use relevant information to support their thesis. It is also written in a way that could be understood best by development practitioners and students of the social sciences, which is suited with its intention of convincing those who might be involved in advocacy or policy-making to seriously address the rise in the number of weight-related issues affecting women that is attributed to the pervasive influence of the media. Work Cited: Thomson, J. Kevin, and Heinberg, Leslie J. â€Å"The Media’s Influence on Body Image Disturbance and Eating Disorders: We’ve Reviled Them, Now Can We Rehabilitate Them?† Journal of Social Issues, 55.2(1999):339-353.

Intellectual Property Right Essay

1. Do you think that the international business community is being too lax about the abuse of intellectual property right? Are international companies simply afraid to speak out for fear of jeopardizing access to attractive markets? In our opinion, the international business community is not being too lax about the abuse of intellectual property right. It is because there is a great incentive to abuse intellectual property rights since it provided legal right to the inventor of the product. Those countries are not neglecting the anti-piracy regulations and any other legal rules related to intellectual property rights but they cannot control the increase of production and distribution of counterfeit products that spread widely especially in Asian nations. Because of that, local governments of those countries are having difficulty to handle and manage the actual infringement situations. Actually, it is hard for a country that lax antipiracy rules to fight against the piracy cases since it can damage the business relations with others. We do not think that they afraid to speak out for fear of jeopardizing access to attractive markets but it is due the fact that sufficient safeguards and proper actions for piracy have not been taken so far and some areas of law need to be reinforced. Based on many cases regarding piracy, intellectual property laws and regulations are fine but poor enforcement is to blame for high rates of piracy and some nation’s regulatory body allow a counterfeiter to remove an infringing trademark and still sell the substandard goods. This proves that some countries take it lightly as they find the situation is common and they have no advantage to against it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How Stress can be Damaging to an Individual Employee Essay - 2

How Stress can be Damaging to an Individual Employee - Essay Example From this study it is clear that the stressors in the workplace are able to stimulate physiological reactions that will eventually lead a person to become physically and mentally ill. As commonly observed, the common stressors that are found in the workplace that can affect a person physically and mentally include but not limited to the number of workloads given to them, the seclusion, excessive hours given to work, a stressful environments because of pressures, the inability of a person to engage in self-rule, problematic relationships with colleagues and management, presence of intimidation among members in the organisation, pestering, and the lack of either provocation or openings for career-pathing advancement via improvement of skills, abilities, knowledge, position and accountability.   This paper highlights that  theories of occupational stress are linked to the theory pertaining to workplace support and work-life balance, emphasising that the stressful conditions will hav e greater negative impact on the individual’s psychological health and well-being especially if there is absence of support. Therefore, it is of no great surprise as to why many research studies would want to find out the effects when there is absence of balance, the effects are mostly in line with the stress created due to conflict between the demands of work and non-work activities, and the level of satisfaction in work and non-work activities.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Employment Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Employment Relations - Essay Example This paper is an assessment of a case study which involves several issues with regard to potential health and safety problems of employers. It also involves issues of wrongful information and retirement of an employee due to injury. The assessment will be done with regard to the following two areas namely, the relevant statutes and acts which can be used here and the options available to the injured or affected parties. This will be in the form of an advice which can be accepted or rejected by those concerned. This writer had been appointed as an office assistant in a firm engaged in the business of life insurers in the UK called Ricky Gervais & Co Ltd. Many factors that have potential negative effects for employees within the office premises are noticed after reporting for work. The secretaries are not provided with proper chairs that have correct supports. They are made to work for long hours sitting in such chairs and are provided with outdated computer screens. A isolated incident of employee injury due to the prank of another employee also occurred as a result of which the injured party had to leave his current job and work for a lower pay. The company had done nothing with regard to this injured employee. The writer has also found that employee assessment by previous employees had been vindictive and untrue. It contained many false allegations with regard to performance, competence, and dependability. Relevant statutes: There are many recourses of law in the UK which could possibly used by the affected employees. They include the Employment Act of 2008, Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, Employment Rights Act 1996, Employment Relations Act 1999, Employer's Liability (Defective Equipment) Act 1969 and Disability Discrimination Act 1995. They can also take recourse of the employment tribunals in the UK if they so choose as per the provisions of the Employment Tribunals Act 1996. The Employment Act is more of a corrective act is primarily for "repealing and amending existing legislation in the field of employment and trade union law." (Explanatory notes to employment act 2008 2008). Hence it can be used only if it amends or repeals any of the provisions in the other Acts mentioned above. The Employment Relations Act is with regard to trade union relations and hence not very valid here. There is no mention of trade union involvement within the company and hence it can be assumed that Ricky Gervais & Co Ltd is not unionized or even it is so, the strength and bargaining power is low. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is directly related with the health and safety of the employees in the workplace and deals with whatever safety measures taken or not taken by the employer. The Act specifically states that employers are duty bound to see that the workplace is a safe one and should take steps that are as far as practical to ensure that the health and safety of the employers are protected. The Employment Rights Act 1996 related to the rights of employees in several areas of work and this includes safety issues as well. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 also is useful for the injured employee, Geoff. The act states that alternated duties and jobs are to be provided in case employees are unable to perform their